LAUNCHING the Starship Enterprise

a.k.a. The Pursuit of All Good Things

With my girl gone on her own life adventure, I'm trying to up my game. No excuses allowed. I'm writing daily -- I'm working on a new book adaption at this very moment and it's super exciting and challenging and fun.

But life is big and what am I doing with the rest of my waking hours? Over the last 2-3 years the game has changed. After years of running, soccer, triathlons, running some more, yoga, all of it -- my body is worn out. I've tried all the usual tricks but I have no juice. I paid for personal training. I signed up for a couple of runs. I fixed up my bike and even got a new bike rack. Nothing's working. I'm doing hikes now. I can do 6 miles easy. Just walking. But that's all I have left. So I'm realizing that I need to tune up the machine -- and that means me.

I've been an athlete since I was about 10. I have running ribbons from 4th grade, and competed in track all the way through college. I played soccer for 30 years. I finished a bunch of triathlons over 7 years and I've run a couple dozen half-marathons. I know my body and how it works really really well -- better than most people. (That is, I know my own body better than other people know their own body, not better than people know MY body... that's another kind of blog.) And honestly, I'm so tired of hearing "that's just aging" or "you're getting older". Sure, we're all getting older. But that is NOT why this machine isn't working right. I know my body and how it works. Something is off. I need to shift what I'm doing and how I'm feeding it. Hard.

I'm writing all this to say I'm starting a new program. I've been taking a bunch of different supplements over the last couple of years: did massive research, listened to podcasts, followed trainers, watched videos, read articles and reviews. It's been a lot of work. And I discovered a whole bunch of things about food and activity. I also discovered SHAKEOLOGY and BEACHBODY training.

Starting today, I'm launching this journey, and I'm sharing it. And if you want any of the stuff I'm using -- just ask and I'll get you a link to buy it on your own. No subscriptions, no expectations, just follow along and let's see how it rolls.

TODAY - Day 1
I bought loads of healthy food.
- Fresh vegetables
- Almond milk
- Healthy meat (fish, organic chicken, ground turkey)

I walked 4 miles.
Started the day with a greenberry Shakeology protein drink
Toasted english muffin with tuna and lettuce
banana & a peach
chicken, vegetables & rice w/a dash of siracha mayo (because of course)

And I'll tell you right now I'm not dumping my strawberry ice cream. Because it's still hot outside and if I want a dish of it, I will go get it. I'm not crazy.

Keep ya posted, comrades.

** credit here goes to Kodi and Chris, who encouraged me to jump in after I mentioned I was thinking about committing to this journey 💕


ChrisReedDFW said…
So excited for the chance to be on this journey with you and for the chance to get to know you better.