LAUNCHING the Starship Enterprise
a.k.a. The Pursuit of All Good Things With my girl gone on her own life adventure, I'm trying to up my game. No excuses allowed. I'm writing daily -- I'm working on a new book adaption at this very moment and it's super exciting and challenging and fun. But life is big and what am I doing with the rest of my waking hours? Over the last 2-3 years the game has changed. After years of running, soccer, triathlons, running some more, yoga, all of it -- my body is worn out. I've tried all the usual tricks but I have no juice. I paid for personal training. I signed up for a couple of runs. I fixed up my bike and even got a new bike rack. Nothing's working. I'm doing hikes now. I can do 6 miles easy. Just walking. But that's all I have left. So I'm realizing that I need to tune up the machine -- and that means me. I've been an athlete since I was about 10. I have running ribbons from 4th grade, and competed in track all the way through college. I...