Kicking Fences

In the midst of all this... so much going on, sometimes I can't breathe. Laid off. Sold my car. Bought a new one. Put my house on the market and moved everything down to LA. Lost a dear, dear friend. Started writing a new script. Finished a short script. Daughter got accepted to school in the UK (she's leaving in Sept) and after three weeks I finally got an offer on my house. 

In the meantime, I'm feeling a bit melancholy about leaving the Shire. I see posts from friends and fun things going on, and yet, I'm not going back. There's nothing for me there. I did 10 years, and hung on for another two years, and now finally I'm ready to let go.

It's a tornado, a life tornado. The first month was getting my feet on the ground. Month two threw me into the fire pit. Month three, I'm knocking it down, but it hurts. It's physically painful.

And after six years of sharing, gone yet again. And I can't take any more. This is when we realize who our friends really are - the ones who call, who reach out, who care what you're doing, what you're feeling. The ones who make an effort. Not the ones who disappear without a word.

So now, today, is a day of reckoning.
- Signing the house docs
- Completing the insurance claim paperwork
- Finishing the superhero outline
- Going to the gym
- Dinner with the writing team (STEAK!)
- Packing for the Portland memorial

The weekend is gonna be rough, not kidding myself. My heart hurts just thinking about it. But I land on Thursday and will be surrounded with family. We will all be there to honor my friend, share stories, and shed a few tears amidst the laughter. If I can learn one enormous lesson in all this - LOVE what's right there in front of you. APPRECIATE all that you're given. FOCUS on the gifts you have and the shared gifts of others.

- Shout out to Banjo, who is always there, rain or shine, even when sometimes neither of us wants to be there
- Kisses to Valentina - who has her own battles but never forgets the battles of others
- Mad, warm strong hug to the Melon, the coolest of the cool, and always laughs at my jokes, even if they're lame

My three AMIGAS.

I continue to kick at fences amidst the storm, where I will create the refuge I'm seeking.

sharing love & light 💓
