
It's been years since my last post, but the messages resonate and I've decided to reclaim myself, my life, my friendships and the world I left behind for a bit. Reclaim and Restore.

My daughter is in transition. She'll be leaving in two weeks to continue her second year of college. And that will be it. She will come to visit, but no longer will she really come live with me. It's been heartbreaking and I've shed a thousand tears over the last few days. It's the first time I've let her see that and probably the first time I've actually let myself feel that with her. At the same time my heart is full for her. So exciting. I totally and absolutely support her journey and will do whatever I can to push her toward the success I know she deserves and is capable of. My journey is not hers and it's time for ours to separate.

Which leaves me in the partially planted, sparsley tended, and undeveloped field that has become my life over the last few years. I tried to maintain my garden and think I did a fairly decent job of keeping my hopes and aspirations alive and nurtured. But we can't do it all.

Reaching out to my long-lost friends, planting seeds for a new relationship (and the prickly thorns that come with that), and digging in deep to hit those stories hard and make them come alive -- that's where I need to be.

In the middle of it all, I'm seeking that new purpose, one that can inspire and give me some renewed sense of destiny and energy. And a man that will do the same.

It's all coming. I can feel it.
Or maybe it's just the jolt of caffeine from the coffee I just finished. Either way, I'm in. It may be an up and down road. It may have twists and turns and roundabouts. And the rolling hills may get a bit steep, but I see it and the fog is finally -- FINALLY -- lifting.

Let me proceed with love and light and in harmony with all.
And a dagger in my pocket to cut away the weeds and debris.

love love love
